Sunday, February 23, 2014

remember me?

Well, it would appear that one of my old blog buddies is back in the game. And since I've been on an absurdly long hiatus from Blogger (in spite of my prolific musings on Tumblr) I figured it couldn't hurt to reawaken this old thing. Plus it's sort of neat knowing different people from all over the world read my different blogs. I've often found it interesting that I can be so honest and forthcoming in the written word and so closed off in my real, daily life. On any given day I am surrounded by people who love me but who really don't know the breadth and depth of what is swirling around behind my eyes. That sounded a little dramatic. But it's the truth.

Let's see... if anyone besides Amanda is reading this, I'll give you the crash-course update on my life in the nearly 3 years since I graduated from college:
  • I've gone back to school for my Masters in Theology. Avoidance? Genuine ambition? Even I'm not sure of the driving force behind this craziness. But, true to form, I am still an expert in procrastination.
  • I actually was a substitute teacher for 164 high school freshmen last year. It was a long, crazy, improbable story that I might tell some other time... but it was the most terrifying and most rewarding experience of my life so far. I think.
  • I've finally let go of someone I'd been holding on to for far too long. It was scary and painful at first, but now it just feels like freedom.
  • I've spent a lot of time and effort on trying to become healthier. I've had major successes and major setbacks, and I'm pretty sure it's always going to be an uphill battle. But it's worth the fight.
In many ways, on the surface, nothing has changed. I am still at home, still in school, still single. A lot of times that gets me down. But when I really consider my life, where I was in August of 2011 to right now... I realize that I'M the thing that has changed. I have grown in ways that can't be quantified or measured. I am stronger, braver, and more alive than I ever used to be. And from the outside looking in, that might not seem like a whole lot. But to me, that is everything.

I still don't have anything figured out. But I'm fairly certain that no one ever has everything figured out. The answers to all of life's problems don't magically fall out of the sky once we find what we think we're looking for. But I suppose that is what makes life exciting.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” 
― Oscar Wilde