Monday, August 31, 2009

and so it begins

Well, that is it. My glorious summer has been replaced with classes, papers, and stress. School doesn't always have to be miserable, in fact, I'll be doing my best to enjoy it this year. But Lord knows, I will miss the carefree days of summer.

I don't actually have a whole lot to say for myself right now. Even in spite of school, life is good. I still feel good about the way I left things with certain people, and even (oddly enough) feel pretty good about myself. This year, I have a feeling that some things are going to change... for the better. We'll just have to wait and see!

In other news, I chopped my hair off. I was getting tired of it, and yesterday I was feeling impulsive, and I just decided to go for it. And, what do you know, I love it. Sometimes, spontaneity can be a good thing.

Monday, August 24, 2009

on your marks

We all hate to clean, right? But sometimes, we have to clean. The things we dread the most are often the things we need the most. We're just usually too stubborn to admit it. I've spent the past week cleaning my house, "dusting off" my personal life, and finally, laying it all out in confession. Room is clean. Mind is clean. Slate is clean.

As much as I do not want classes to start today, I have never been more ready in my life. Bring it on, world.

Friday, August 14, 2009

august is complicated

It's a double-edged sword. I love summer, I truly do. But August brings so many changes and memories to mind, it's nearly suffocating. You can practically feel it. The nights come much sooner, and the air gets a little cooler, and you know. You know that in a few short days or weeks, everything is going to shift. Life is an ever-moving cycle, I get that. But there are certain times I wish we could just hit pause. Times when life is so full of happiness and love, that the mere thought of change makes my heart ache.

I guess maybe you need a little background to understand.

Our story is not typical of most friends. I say "our story", because it used to be difficult to define us as anything but Us. Although the beginning of Us technically began on a Catholic retreat, I'm not going to preach about how Jesus changed our lives, and we were all spiritually enlightened and all of that hoopla. Really, God was simply the common thread that wove our lives together, when otherwise we may never have met. There were 12 of us in total, and we all fit together in the strangest, most perfect ways. But ever since graduating from high school and leaving for college, August marked the end of life as we once knew it- bringing feelings of loss and sadness I wasn't fully prepared to endure. Yes, we would see each other on breaks, but it would never be quite the same. Up until that August, our lives were intertwined. Complimentary, even. Once we all left, our lives became separate. I went off to art school and failed miserably. I hated the school, I hated the classes, I hated the people, but most of all, I hated that I was hating everything alone. I didn't have my best friends to feel everything with me anymore. So I came home, and transferred to a local college. I'm not sure I'll ever know if I regret it or not... If I gave up, or simply had to learn a tough lesson.

Fast forward one year. The summer after freshman year was full of craziness, conflicting schedules, and petty arguments. We were all on different paths, and it was becoming more and more evident. The end of summer wasn't quite so awful, mostly due to the fact that I felt like I had a lot less to miss. Yes, everything was changing again, but so was I. There was a lot to deal with moving into a dorm again, that the loss wasn't so apparent. Looking back, I think the only reason I decided to move on-campus is so that I had somewhere to go, too, instead of having everyone just leave me. Sophomore year was a whirlwind, though, in different ways. My friends and I repaired the relationships that were broken. I made a lot of life changes in the hopes that they would stick, but I ended up failing again. Failure has become a constant friend of mine, these past few years. After the Spring semester ended, I spent a month in Florida, working full-time and living on my own. Partly, to prove to myself that I was, in fact, capable of being on my own. But also to get away from life for awhile. To reevaluate. To regroup. And upon my return, it was like a glimpse of the past... a bit of the joy we shared as a cohesive group back in that summer before college. We weren't exactly tight, not like we used to be. It was disjointed and strange, but it was wonderful again. Which brings me here, back to square one. Facing the same end, but an end I always knew was coming. The difference is that everyone else is leaving for their other lives, and for the first time, I am staying put. Same place, same routine, same life. The same location, just without all of the people that made me grow to love it. Without the people who make living here worthwhile, and happy. This is even more painful than I can express.

In some ways, perhaps it is a necessary change to endure. Regardless, I will miss these times. In my life, even with its warm sunshine and beauty, August is synonymous with sadness and loss. It's when the sun sets and the stars come out to put my insignificance into perspective, that the ache settles in the pit of my stomach. The ache that's only remedy is to survive another year. To make it to another glorious summer, when, for three months we can exist together again, pretending that life is every bit as simple as it used to be.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

stop sign

Ever had that feeling? You know the one I'm talking about. Everything in your life feels chaotic and upsetting and you barely know what to do with yourself, and then something comes from out of nowhere, practically smacking you upside the head, and you just stop.

Tonight I was driving home from a friend's house, feeling very sad about saying goodbyes, and I had a feeling (not THE feeling I was referring to, that comes later) that I was supposed to go to adoration. So I went, because maybe that was God telling me to- who am I to know? We can all benefit from some chill-out time with Jesus, after all. Then on the drive home from adoration, I had the windows down and there was a nice breeze blowing in. And a song came on the radio (a song, mind you, that I haven't ever heard on the radio, but a song I was just thinking about earlier today), that reminds me so powerfully of another time in my life. When things were so sure, and happy... it was a song from a retreat I went on a long time ago. Overhead in the sky, as I was driving and listening to this song, there was an outrageous bolt of heat lightning. And the song was singing:

And I can feel your presence here with me
Suddenly I'm lost within your beauty
Caught up in the wonder of your touch
Here in this moment I surrender to your love.

And there it was. I just stopped. I listened to the music, watched the lightning show, felt the cool breeze, and just existed. Was I still sad about my friend leaving? Yes. Was I still worried and confused and frustrated with other things? Yes. But in that moment, despite all of the sadness and fear, I knew it was okay. I knew that no matter what happened, I would be alright. Because I am LOVED. Wholly, unconditionally, and forever. Thanks for the reminder.

Monday, August 10, 2009

friends who blog together, stay together

It's like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Okay, not really- we won't actually be sharing magical clothing, or discovering the ins and outs of international postage rates. But some friends and I decided to start blogging, while we're all off at school, as a way to keep in touch, since we can't be together in person. I like the idea mostly because, A) I love my friends, and B) I have a lot of thoughts, and it is perhaps a good idea to have an outlet in which to channel them. Writing my thoughts down helps me to focus, and clear my head. Once they're on paper (or... computer screens?) I am no longer wrestling with them in my head. Usually. So this is a brilliant idea on multiple levels. This blog comes with a warning though: I have some pretty deep thoughts. And I can get downright poetic... so as long as you're prepared, then we're good.

I've been thinking a lot lately about goals. Setting them, achieving them... not achieving them. Dying trying to achieve them. I have a lot of goals. Problem is, I have a much easier time setting them than fulfilling them. My favorite writer, Thoreau, once said, "Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be." I think he's pretty smart, so I'll take his word for it.

My goal for the year... is to fulfill my hopes & dreams.


