Monday, September 21, 2009

three deep breaths

I get so angry sometimes. So frustrated. So caught up in the moment and full of emotion, that my judgement is completely clouded. I hate that feeling, and I just want to give up on whatever it is I'm doing. Whether it's a stupid math problem, or a friend problem. I have a temper- it's a fact. Maybe it's the italian side of me, who knows.

When I get that mad, it's hard for me to see anything else. Usually, I wind up throwing my textbook and pen across the room in frustration (or cell phone, depending on the situation). But then I stop. I see how ridiculous it is to be upset over something that is SO in my control. I take three deep breaths. I walk away from the problem. I hang up the phone. I just leave it for a few minutes, and it puts it all into perspective.

Come back to the problem later, and it will probably make sense. And if not, skip it. Things that emotionally taxing are usually not worth having in your life at all. It's like the breathing- breathe OUT the old, and take in the fresh, clean oxygen. Every breath is a new start... a chance to change.

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