Thursday, October 8, 2009

fairy tales

I've been reflecting a lot on life ever since we began this blogging habit, and I've come to some interesting conclusions about myself. One that I've been mulling over lately has to do with my relationships. I don't know how to love people "a little bit". I love wholly, and completely. I get attached to people. I haven't figured out if this is a virtue or a fault. It certainly puts my heart on the chopping block, vulnerable and asking to be broken. But on the other hand, when the love is real, whether it be family or friends or a significant other... it's the greatest feeling in the world. But the truth is, even the ones we love disappoint us. Often, they're the ones with the ability to disappoint us the most.

But I just finished watching the movie Enchanted- yes, I get that it's rated like, G, and most 20-year-olds would say that's exceptionally lame- but the message is so poignant in my life, especially lately. It's about looking for the good. Even when you seem naive. Even when things suck. There is good everywhere- and life is unbearable when you constantly dwell on the bad; I know this, firsthand. Sure, fairy tales don't really exist. But no one ever said that happily ever after doesn't. Whether it's in this life on earth, or the next life- seek truth. Seek love. Seek beauty. Be child-like. And you will definitely find your happy ending. Someone pretty RELIABLE told me so :)

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19: 14

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