Sunday, October 18, 2009

you are the music, while the music lasts

I'm not going to say I'm a big believer in horoscopes; I don't think that our lives can be so easily predicted. But on my computer, I have a little "astrology" application- I keep it, mostly because instead of predictions, it gives me little things to think about each day. Often, they do really seem applicable to my life. The one I received today, I felt that I should share with you:

Love the music you and your friends make! After all, the differences, not the similarities, keep you all so close. You may not always believe those who hold different views, but you should always believe in your friends! Embrace and respect the freedom of interaction among you. Harmony doesn't happen when all the notes are the same; it happens when different notes come together and create a beautiful sound.

This succinctly describes how I often feel about our crazy, mismatched group of friends. As strange as it always has seemed, as a whole, it just works... all of us together. We've got dreamers, we've got realists, we've got jocks, and band kids. Singers, and those that can't carry a tune. Writers, artists, nurses, comedians, geniuses. Everyone so uniquely different. The thing with harmonies though, is that to work, each part is played on the same scale. I like to think that the scale, the collective whole, is God's plan- how we met, how our friendships developed, and how they withstand the many changes life throws at us. Like a song, each part bends and adjusts to each new measure. And, amidst all of the changes, in the end... it's beautiful.

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