A little personal, but I think everyone hits rock bottom at some point. I won't get too verbose here, but basically in sophomore year of high school, I started hanging out with not-such-great friends. They were into sex and drinking and drugs, and since I was friends with them, I became party to all that crap as well. It was kind of a reaction to the death of my cousin, and my subsequent loss of faith- one of those "teenagers acting out" situations, sort of. Except instead of acting out, I was internalizing everything- wondering why nothing could make me feel better, why I wasn't having fun with these people, questioning my self-worth. It was a dark, dark time in my life. And I will admit that for a chunk of that time, the thought of ending my life seemed like a possible solution.
Looking back, that's laughable- killing yourself is never a solution. And with the help of better friends and prayer, I was able to pull myself out of that darkness and back to a place where I could feel happy again. Just to prove a point though, freshmen year of college was another dark time in my life. I hated my school, my major, was stressed and lonely and sad 24/7 and was also dealing with another dying relative. But at no point in that time did the thought of suicide ever enter my mind. I had a sense of my own self-worth, and I knew I would be okay eventually.
So, yes, I think we all hit rock bottom at some point. And some of us stay there for days, weeks, and years. But we learn something in picking ourselves back up again. At least I did.
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