Monday, January 17, 2011

day nine

How you hope your future will be...
Well, my husband and I will have met purely by chance. He's a Catholic, loving man, who can always make me laugh. He'll have a secure job- but a job that he loves. I'll still be teaching as an adjunct and working on my doctorate when we get married, so we'll wait to have kids for a couple of years (not too long, because we'll both want a family). But we'll enjoy the quiet time as newlyweds- he loves to read, so we share in plenty of discussions about books and philosophy and life. We'll be able to pray together, and spend hours laughing and enjoying each others' company. When we do have children (two boys and a girl :) I'll take a few years off from teaching to raise them, but I'll still continue writing from home - I'll publish my first book by the time I'm 32. Once they all start school, I'll get back into teaching- but my schedule will be worked out so that I'll be there to pick them up every afternoon. Maybe it seems like I'm anti-feminism or something (I can assure you, I am not), but I want to be home with my kids, cooking for them, doing their laundry, and spending time together reading and playing. I guess I'm just old-fashioned! And me, my husband, and our three hypothetical children will live happily ever after.

Whew. That was fun. Bit of a fantasy, but it was fun.

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