Friday, January 14, 2011

day six

Write 30 "interesting" facts about yourself...
  1. I used to hate wearing socks, but now I love them.
  2. I'm learning to speak Greek, just because.
  3. I love to cook, but rarely get the opportunity.
  4. I have perfect vision.
  5. I make pretty awesome guacamole (according to friends and family :)
  6. Ever since I lived alone, I relish the times I have the house to myself. I like solitude.
  7. I really hate being in crowds. Concerts, the mall... I'd just rather not. With several exceptions.
  8. I love driving to a good mix CD... music is the only reason I like to drive.
  9. At this moment in time, I have 13,272 songs in my iTunes library.
  10. I am a very fast reader, and would read all day, every day if I could.
  11. I am an introvert AND and extrovert.
  12. I don't really like chocolate.
  13. My favorite show is Friends, and I watch it a lot.
  14. I've been known to cry during sappy commercials.
  15. I always feel awkward when movie credits start to roll.
  16. I love love love orange juice. No idea why.
  17. I can only sleep in cold rooms- I run my ceiling fan year-round.
  18. The other night I had a nightmare in which Paula Deen was trying to kill me. Not kidding.
  19. It's a little too cold for this right now, but I love taking naps outside.
  20. I have a shampoo obsession- there's probably 30-something bottles in my bathroom.
  21. I love the smell of men's cologne.
  22. I make to-do lists all the time.
  23. There is a cemetery behind my house.
  24. I cannot be productive in a messy room.
  25. I used to sprint up the stairs at night when I was little, because I felt like something was following me. I am almost 22 years old, and I still do.
  26. I am a total sucker for boys who play guitar. It's always been my downfall.
  27. I often do "shots" of apple cider vinegar, because it's awesome for your health and I sort of like the taste.
  28. I still color- like, in coloring books. With crayons. It's therapeutic.
  29. I abhor the feeling of tags on washcloths. They give me the chills.
  30. My favorite time of day is 12:34. I get legitimately excited.

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