Monday, January 10, 2011

day two

Where you'd like to be in 10 years...
In the past 4 years, I've gone through about 30 different "options" for my future. At first (and for most of my life), I was sure I'd be an artist. I used to just want to paint and be one of those romantic, starving-artist types, but as I got closer to college, I started getting a little more realistic. I saw myself as a graphic designer, possibly in advertising or something. After a few short weeks of art school, that notion went down the toilet. So I registered as a typical, undecided student. Didn't know what direction to go in. But I've always considered youth ministry to be a potential outlet. I'd been involved in youth ministry, to some degree, for 5 years. I knew it, I loved it, and hey, the pay might suck, but at least I'd be happy (Disclaimer: I have not given up on this; if it's not my career, I still want to remain involved with it for as long as I can). Eventually, time got down to the wire and I had to declare a major. I chose psychology, and whether that was on a whim or what was supposed to happen, I may never know. But that opened up a whole new box of possibilities: there was art therapy, marriage and family counseling, crisis counseling, research... anything and everything. Like I needed the extra confusion!

So where am I now? In the past several months, I've been thinking and praying hard for guidance and direction. And then one day, it was just there. I'll teach college theology. I'd go to grad school, get a Masters in Theology. I'd continue on for a Doctorate, while teaching as an adjunct somewhere. It just seems to make sense. Is it 100% definitely what I'll be doing in 10 years? Maybe not. But for now, that is what I see and want for myself.

In 10 years, I will be 31 (yikes). I'll be married to an awesome, Catholic guy. We'll both work, and I'll be teaching part time and probably still working on my Doctorate. We'll be starting a family, and once that happens, I'll probably take a few years off of work to be home with my children. I might also be working on writing a book, as it's something I've always wanted to do. We'll probably live around this area, because I love it here and want to raise a family here. Most of all, I see myself happy. Happy with my family, with my job, and my life.

Now, I just need to figure out how to get from Point A to Point B...!

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